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!. when did the French Revoulution begin?









2. What was an econmic cuase of the French Revoulution?


a. The Debt form the american Revoulution


b. Marc the 16 spent reserves helping the British


c. Food items became more affordable


d. Taxes decreased by 7% 


3. All of these causes except for ___ contributed tp the starvatoion prior to the French Revolution. 


A. The 7 years war


B. The American Revolution 


C. Taxes decreased 


D. Money for food increased 

4. For the peasents, a main cuase of death was ____


A. Brutality form the monarchy


B. Starvation due to the raising prices of food


C. Barbrians in the countryside


D. Disease

5. what were one one of the main effects of the French Revolution?


A. More power to the monarchs 


B. The Sucess in the 7 years war


C. The destruction of the Middle class


D. The Begining of an Enlightened democratic government

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